D.a.d. Duties Are Delight, Delights Are Duty. I have 5 Duties, they are my Delight. I have 1 Delight, she is my wife. I tell her, if she ever leaves me I am going with her, so she might as well save us gas!

I love family and these are just a few of my favorite family photos. By no means am I a perfect father, but I am an intentional one. I am working on a book entitled, “B.U.I.L.T. D.I.F.F.E.R.E.N.T.” and I speak on the timeless principles of Leading Well rooted in Ephesians6;1-4 The message can be delivered at church, community events, schools and/or corporations and local companies. The titles used in the past include Families that Flourish, Fathers that Build, Leaders that Lead Up & Built Different 2 Make a Difference. To book me at this time text, 386-406-7089 for details.