P.a.st.o.r. D.a.d. has served for a variety of acrostics…
The first acrostic used was Poet-Artist-StoryTeller-Odd-Real. My oldest son was 6 years old when he first called me Pastor Dad and it was a few years later, when his younger brother was in 2nd grade that we started M.A.N. U.P.2…it stood for ‘Mike And Noah Using Poetry 2 Uplift People.’ I would take someone’s name and turn them into a cartoon character and write them a poem of encouragement or embellishment

This initial hobby of Noah and I became an amazing tool to share the Gospel. An example of a quick acrostic poem that I was able to write for a Christian company is seen in the Saltwater Christmas above. While this one is a bit more extensive, I find great joy in meeting new people and listening to them share their passions and put it into poetry for them. It is an avenue I have used to share the gospel with hundreds of people in daily interactions that afford a ten to fifteen-minute conversation.
Over the years I began to develop stories about MT and Sunshine as characters that 2nd-5th graders could connect with and learn about the Bible from MT is a mountainous giraffe that loves to laugh, and Sunshine is a beachy zebra that loves to teach I have several Bible story traveling truth pages that can be used to teach a takeaway truth from certain Bible texts